In most parts of the country, we are seeing the signs of spring everywhere. Birds are back, singing brightly each morning; flowers are starting to bloom, whether it’s tulips or dandelions; Temps are rising, and days are getting longer. It’s been a long, hard winter for many of our elderly population as events remained cancelled, gatherings were limited, and even seeing family was difficult if not impossible. With rapid vaccinations happening around the country, your aging parent may be ready to enjoy spring to its fullest, but still using some precaution is wise. Here are some safer ways for your senior to celebrate spring, whether it’s by herself, with you or even with her senior care provider.
- Have a picnic. Many outdoor activities are much safer to have this spring, so if your community is deemed safe for outdoor activities, your senior may love planning a picnic at a local park or lake. Her senior care provider can help her pack up a lunch and even drive her to the location if needed. Plan a picnic near a playground and maybe even your parent can meet her grandkids or grand-nieces and nephews at the park for a lovely outdoor meal.
- Explore local trails. Spring is a great time to get out to parks and walk or bike the trails. Your parent can spot all kinds of plants and animals spring to life after a winter of hibernation. She might see animals building new homes, or spot lots of buds just starting to turn green and open up. Getting outside can be a great mood lifter after all those dark, cold months.
- Work on the yard. Depending on your parent’s physical abilities, many people love the opportunity to get back out into the yard and prepare for spring flowers and green grass. Gardening is a great form of exercise as well as a stress reducer. If there are aspects of gardening your parent now needs help with (such as hauling bags of fertilizer), enlist the help of a family member or senior care provider for the tasks she cannot do so that she can still enjoy the ones she can do.
- Go to an outdoor concert or market. Spring brings out the talented to share their gifts so now is a great time to look at your community calendar to see if there are any events your parent is able to attend. Maybe there’s a concert at an outside stage she could bring a lawn chair to and enjoy while staying socially distant from strangers. Or you might find a farmer’s market that she can wear a mask to and still peruse the many fares they have to offer.
- Feed the birds. Do some spring cleaning for the birds and get those feeders cleaned out, put out, and filled with the seeds and food that will attract the birds that are now back in the neighborhood.
As your parent ventures out, just remember to continue to abide by area ordinances and rules so that your parent can stay healthy and safe while getting back out into the world to celebrate spring.
If you are considering home care in Vicksburg, MI, for an aging loved one, please call the caring staff at Fresh Perspective Home Care at (269) 329-4717. We are here to help!
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